Who the Hell are We?

And Why Should You Give a Crap?

That's Dave, founder of Restaurant Patrol Marketing. Dave understands that you would like to know who you are giving your money to. Here goes:

Dave in a Nutshell

Dave Allred (a.k.a TheRealBarman) is the founder and CEO of Bar Patrol Inventory App and Restaurant Patrol Marketing. He is also a father, husband, author, blogger, YouTube creator, high school basketball coach and reluctant cat owner. Dave comes from the trenches and has been in the bar and restaurant industry for more than 40 years now. He is also a bit of an introvert, so if you're talking with him and he suddenly pretends someone is calling him and he runs away, you'll know that he just need some "me time".

Bar Patrol Inventory is Born

In 2012 he started a bar inventory management company called Bar Patrol, in which he counted thousands of inventories for dozens of bars around the San Francisco Bay Area, helping them recover hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in lost revenue. In 2015 he built his own inventory app and software (Bar Patrol Inventory App) for independent bars and restaurants to use on their own.

YouTube Education

Via his Youtube channel and websites, Dave has helped thousands of bar and restaurant owners and managers run a better and more profitable business with kick-ass tips, tricks and strategies that actually work.

Restaurant Patrol Marketing

In 2023 Restaurant Patrol was founded. Working with his developers, Dave built a restaurant marketing platform and software that helps restaurants increase their traffic and profits by using high-quality reviews to increase their reputation, and text & email marketing to build trust and drive high levels of traffic to restaurants. And it has EXCEEDED expectations.

Dave's Other Skill Sets

Podcasts Dave Has Somehow Snuck On To

Books He Somehow Found Time to Write

Who We Are (Our Manifesto)

We are industry people, just like you.

We are real.

We are sincere.

We put people ahead of profit.

And like you, we are drawn to provide an experience that matters to the people we serve.

An experience that makes a difference in people’s lives.

Like you, we believe that the customer isn’t there to serve us.We serve FIRST.

That is our mission.

It’s a simple win-win dynamic.

Serve first.

Make a living as a result.

This dynamic means you are absolutely aligned with the desires and needs of your customers — which is the ONLY way to do business.

We respect our competitors but we are different.

Most corporations are about being the biggest.

That’s not us.

We help the independent restaurant owner.

The mom and pop. 

The entrepreneurs at heart.

The solopreneur.

We don’t seek big.

We seek better.

Better software.

Better support.

Better experience.

Borrowing from Steve Jobs’ philosophy, we seek to make a small dent in the bar/restaurant universe.

A dent motivated by inspiring and creating an impact for the few, instead of the masses.

We help the small guy and gal.

And we help corporate giants.

But mostly, we help individuals who also want to make a dent.

To systemize their business. To level up the f*%# up and kick more ass.

Sorry if that offends (I warned you we were real) 

IT’S TIME!!!To make a change.

To make things happen.

To be different.

Spend less time drowning in menial tasks and more time with your guests.

Systemize your business, and spend more time doing what you love.

If this resonates with you, stick around.

We’ll help you kick more ass.

We are industry people who serve other industry people just like you.

And we are excited to be a big part of your success.


Dave Allred and Team